Risk 1 Home Is Here To Help You Make An Informed Decision About Your Home

We provide an expert evaluation and inspection of the home, which covers everything from the roof to the foundation
Certified Inspectors
Our inspectors are trained hands on and are required to participate in over 100 hours of classroom/technical training.
All-Inclusive Report
We will provide you with a detailed report that includes every aspect of our inspection as well as notes provided by our certified inspectors.
On-Demand Services
Our goal is to appease each of our customers by providing services in a timely and coordinated manner.

Trust Us
We Are Here to Help!
Buying a home is an expensive process which involves both time and money. Protecting that expenditure with a certified home inspection is an invaluable decision. Our inspections take the guess work out of the equation, so you can rest assured that you are getting the best information possible to make the right informed decision.
Why Choose Us?
We are well-experienced business professionals with innovative minds.
Passion & Commitment
Honesty & Openness
Dedicated Team
Practical Approach